Join us!
If you are not currently an HGA member, it is really easy to join!
Our membership is open to schools of all categories and in all regions; subscription is very low (currently just £48 per school, per year) and offers excellent value for money.
Our member benefits include access to
support & information, professional training & CPD for both governors and clerks, mentoring and shared good practice.
Importantly members also enjoy the advantages of being part of a larger collective whilst retaining their school's autonomy; all equally committed to the support of individual governors & clerks, and to full Governing Boards.
HGA is independent of any local authority and is a completely non-political organisation.
Like to become a member ?
Simply drop us an email to : governorsupport@hga.org.uk
And let us know -
The name of your school
Your contact name/s and telephone number/s
The number of governors on your Governing Board
We look forward to meeting you !